Tahune Adventures

Arve Road, Geeveston, Tasmania

03 6251 3903


Business Details

Current opening hours: Saturday & Sunday 10am to 4pm
Last tickets sold at 3:00pm at the ticket office on site.

From Saturday Dec 26th, 2020, open 7 days a week.

Soar like an eagle from a lofty perch high in the treetops – feel the wind beneath your wings as you dip and swoop on a thrilling 400-metre glide across the Huon River.  
Follow the forest and riverside track to cross two swinging suspension bridges across the rushing waters of the Picton and Huon Rivers. The churning, tannin-coloured water beneath your feet began as rain and snow, deep in the Southwest wilderness.

Take a break to enjoy local Tasmanian food and wine. Try Tasmanian salmon and honey – taste the Huon Valley’s wonderful cool-climate wines and local cider. Pause for a snack, light meal, tea, coffee or an ice cream. Browse in the gift shop – choose a piece of Huon pine with its unique scent to remind you of your visit.   
River, forest sky – discover them all at Tahune Adventures Tasmania.

Although this tourist development has changed the area, it is still a popular place to picnic in one of the many shelters or tables, while cooking lunch on a gas barbecue.
Beyond Tahune Reserve (*gates) is the Warra Long Term Ecological Research site. This area is part of a worldwide forest monitoring and research network established under the United Nations Environment Program. More details can be read on the Huon Trail sign located in the picnic area, near the start of the Huon Pine Walk. This 20 minute loop walk is easily managed by most people and is the easiest place in Tasmania to see young and mature Huon pines growing in their natural riverine rainforest environment.

Adult – $29
Child – $14.50
Family – $72.50
Concession – $26.10 (card required)